Global Food Trade Amidst a Pandemic

To feed and nourish millions, global food trade is an absolute necessity. Without global food trade, it is estimated that several hundred million people in the world would go hungry or be undernourished.
International food trade helps move products from origin to table, minimizing the amount of loss due to spoilage. This may sound simple but, in fact, the global food system has become highly complex and interconnected.
Every country, to some degree, is dependent on trade to complete its overall food needs. What one country cannot grow well it must import from another. A country’s economic strength and its natural resource play a big part in the role of trade. Policies and cultural differences also play a factor in this complexity.
In addition, the amount and the type of food trade is constantly changing, making the need for Global Food Traders, like Interra International, an important part of the world food trade.
Now, we are in the midst of a pandemic and the logistics of moving food from one location to another has challenges. Blockages to transport routes, transport restrictions, and quarantine measures, all contribute to the added complexity that COVID-19 brings to an already complex system.
Staying abreast of the pandemic and its impact on food and agriculture are an important part of what your food trade partner brings to the table. The ability to source from alternative suppliers, knowledge of all the risks, and excellent logistics systems are what set Interra apart from the competition.
Interra International, global food trade, and your business partner. Visit our website or call our professional staff for more information or assistance with food trade needs or concerns at +1 770-612-8101. You can also fill out our contact us form.