Smaller Turkeys or More Leftovers?

The COVID-19 situation has affected so many areas of our lives, from work and school to social, sports, and more. Life has changed, and quite possibly in ways that will never completely return to normal.
One potential area that food professionals are seeing could impact our upcoming Thanksgiving holiday. With less travel and smaller gatherings, turkey farmers are anticipating a demand for smaller turkey products.
In addition to harvesting birds a bit earlier this year, many farmers adjusted feed rations to slow growth, raising more turkeys on a similar quantity of feed. There will also be a number of different options this year for your Thanksgiving table. Turkey breasts and smaller hams are expected to be popular as we gather in smaller groups to give thanks during this holiday season.
Although smaller turkeys will be more in demand, expectations are that the number of turkeys eaten this Thanksgiving will remain consistent. Around 40 million turkeys are consumed annually at Thanksgiving. Although this year, those birds are likely to be smaller. Families are planning to host only their immediate family members. For those who cannot find that smaller turkey for their Thanksgiving meal, there will be lots of leftover ideas so none of it goes to waste.
If your food business includes turkey products and benefits from the increased sales that Thanksgiving meals produce annually, please contact us to learn more about how the industry is pivoting and adapting to smaller, more intimate dining this year. Our professional staff is always here to help you with your turkey products and food trade needs.
At Interra International, we are focused on value and quality food distribution. Talk to us at (+1) 770.612.8101/ or fill our our contact us form!